Stoofweg - VZ704 - Cottage

Stoofweg - VZ704 - 1

You can rent this holiday home for 4 peoplejust outside Renesse at only 1 kilometer from the beach.
This holiday home is located in Renesse, Burgh-Haamstede and Scharendijke. Renesse in particular is known for its dunes, wide beaches, the nice and cozy terraces, and its vibrant nightlife. There are several opportunities for practicing water sports on the beach, and there are also several beach pavilions. A wonderful location where you can enjoy a wonderful vacation with 4 people. This holiday home is located next to riding school Grol, so you the option to bring your own horse. Do not wait too long to rent this new holiday home for a nice vacation on the North Sea beach at Renesse.

Detached holiday home for 4 people in Renesse

Prijzen en beschikbaarheidCheck prices here and book directly online

For information and reservation

Stoofweg, Renesse
tel. +31 118 744 025 
web. More information